It’s always a hurtful thing when we don’t feel appreciated or loved when we perform a good deed or help out in different ways that we can, especially for people we hold dear to our hearts.
Funny thing is, everyone (Like God, our father) loves to be appreciated or acknowledged for a job well done or for a stitch in time that we make, and there is nothing wrong with that. In a small way we are all heroes.
For us to acknowledge the work of others or the effort of friendships or any kind of relationship in our lives, we need to have an increased measure of sensitivity and a heart of gratitude.
These magic words are short, simple to understand and are easy to apply but are not used as often as they should:
Thank you, I love you, that’s thoughtful, Please, That’s thoughtful and I appreciate it, you did a great job; keep it up, etc.
As important as words can be, nothing is more proving of your gratitude than your actions. Actions speak louder than words, you know?
Another way to show that you appreciate someone’s effort in your life is to show a change in behavior.
For example: All the time, you decide to do things without proper inquiry or information gathering but you have a friend or sibling that is always there, sensitive enough and always watching and looking out for you to ensure you aren’t making a big mistake. Now you realize, every time that person pitched in to help, it made your effort to do something or decision making exercise more successful and productive.
What you should do is say thank you, and change your behavior by thinking more thoroughly when making decisions or even ask questions where you should. Get rid of pride.
When we show appreciation and gratitude, it destroys a prideful habit or behavior in our lives and helps us to give more freely in any way we can. A heart of gratitude makes you a cheerful giver, a loving helper and a great hero.
If we all were more appreciative of others, we would have a happier atmosphere and more fulfilled people.
This doesn’t mean we should then wait to be appreciated, if God appreciates your heart felt works and efforts, that’s what really matters but do not hesitate to acknowledge a person’s effort of love and assistance in your life.
If they are relevant in your life, let them know it.
I love you guys.
Go flourish and sparkle because it is Monday!
Mental digest international
Ab 👑 king
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