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 Often the difference between poverty and wealth lies in the employment of all principles in a formula but one. Napoleon Hill.

When one have applied all the principles needed to build a business u need just one more thing that will single you out from the others in the same quest as yours.
And that element requires you to - STUDY, THINK, PLAN, STRATEGIZE AND WORK SMART. That is where REAL EDUCATION comes in.

Business requires you to first of all study how other businesses like yours have made it through the years and on the other hand have failed and possibly liquidated. After then, think of the manner in which yours is going to be different and better than the rest. You now can go into planning what you want to do in the course of time be it biannually, yearly, biennially, quarterly or even in the space of years ( in areas of production, finance, marketing, advertising among others). STRATEGIZING comes handy here, when you have successfully planned, you go into creating a step-by-step procedure on how your plans becomes a reality and lastly you WORK SMARTLY because I believe working hard does not necessitate you being successful (for instance, people working day and night different shifts just to collect petty compensations to later waste it on frivolities like drinking, fornication, gambling etc all work hard but lack the wisdom to invest, save and spend wisely). Thus, it becomes expedient for you to work smartly by using the equation - 'SIS' - "SAVE, INVEST AND SPEND WISELY".

All these need not one being "FORMALLY EDUCATED", however the planning and strategizing requires a little paper work and it's not compulsory for the owner to do that as he can hire skilled people to assist in all of them.

This can be further illustrated in the experience of a man who had been successful in selling cosmetics for a manufacturer before he went into business for himself.
In his own business, Leonard Lavin faced many problems. The problems were good because he had to - Study, think, plan and work smart before he found a solution to each problem.   Leonard and his wife,Bernice, formed  a perfect mastermind alliance as they manufactured one cosmetic item and acted as distributors for other companies. As their business grew, Bernice became an expert in Office Management and Purchasing adding it up with excellent administration. Leonard became a successful sales manager and also an  efficient production manager.

The way to make a fortune is to manufacture or sell a durable product or service (preferably a necessity at a low cost) that repeats like they both did. Every dollar that could be spared was plowed back into the business.
Necessity motivated them to: Study, think and plan; make one dollar do the part of many; obtain maximum results from every working hour; eliminate waste.

This is one of the dividend of the application of real education in all you do in the world of business.
Have a blissful week filled with opportunities.

Shoderu Azeez Olanrewaju (A.O.S. Dessine)
07017503376, 08107714449, 09091884943.

Watch out for the final episode under the first season - business startups titled TALENTS AND SKILLS


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