We are humans. Sometimes, we can be selfish,careless,self-centered and even wicked but yet we care, we are loving, we love to be heard, fragile and soft hearted, the most if it all, we love serving humanity.
When we were toddlers, we didn't understand the Why??When??and How of life journey, we grew and fell into partial understanding of those things, now we are grown to the full understanding including the best work of life.
We presently have a strong believe that Faith in God gives meaning and purpose to human life. We grew to understand that the brotherhood of man transcends the sovereignty of all nations. We can boldly stand to say that government should be of laws rather than of men, clearly identifying through discovery that earth great treasure lies in human personality, declaring to the world that economic justice can be won through free men by free enterprise and can proudly shout from experience that service to humanity Is the best work of life.
We are united as JAYCEES, we are proud to be the most active ones in the society.
We have a mission to be the leading global network of young active citizens and also a vision of providing development opportunities that empowers young people to create positive change.
We decided to build our future and generation,Creating a landmark alongside positive change with our beliefs,mission and vision.
We are Junior Chamber International.
We are always better.
We keep leading the global network.
We are born active.
We are created to change the world through our environment.
We rep JCI
We rep Change
We rep activeness
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