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Showing posts from January, 2017


Are you feeling the vibe? During one of my numerous sleepless nights in school as a student. I plugged my ears, scrolling down my playlist, different soundtracks came up but I kept changing on a fast shuffle, reason been I wasn't getting any vibe from those upcoming soundtracks. Lo! I finally found one that accompanied me through my calculations. At different stages in life, we have different act with positive and negative outcomes. But the beginning and middle determines the end in most cases tho not all. At the beginning of that stage, sometimes we tend to get excited and get drown in the process but the big question to ask - Am I feeling the vibe to carry on? There must be a solid reason for us to carry on the act if not the end will just be there with nothing superb about it. I was opportuned to handle a project sometimes ago. During the process, so many unforseen circumstances came up that made me struggle hard,at a point I thought I was going to collapse physically,emoti

Not Just Resolutions!

Its not about the resolutions. We all shout Happy new year at the watch night service,clubs and homes thereafter go straight home to write down our goals for the new year and start making resolutions. But do we take time to answer these questions; Why must I make resolutions? and Can my resolutions stand the test of time? The logic behind resolutions are those reasons that makes all resolutions stand the test of time. We all must have a good reason for making resolutions,it should not be because others are doing it, nor because its the first day of a new year neither because you want to please your friends, parents and colleagues. Resolutions must come from within for it to stand the test of time. It must be a fruit of  personal thought, something you are willing to change or do. Resolutions can be a change in character or a strive to achieve something new or different. Our resolutions should not also be a paper work thing and a thing of the mouth but changes people can testify t